Yup! As the title suggests, am adding a year to my age. But hey, everybody grows old. What’s important is looking and feeling young! 🙂 That’s the spirit! Hahaha! 🙂
It’s that time of the year I celebrate life with family and friends. To all my friends, I know you’ve been waiting for this day. You, guys have always been present in my parties ever since. Hmm, is it because of me or the treat? Hehe! Kidding aside, I love spending each and every moment with all of you. Watch out for this year’s venue. Expect invites in your phones soon. 🙂 Hehehe! 🙂
Happy Birthday to me! 🙂
P.S. Sorry, I need to cut this short. I’m a bit busy here in the office. Yes, I didn’t take a birthday leave. 🙁 Need to work for my dream bags (which includes Queen B) to come really soon. LOL! 🙂 Just joking! Hahaha! I just need to rush stuffs, including my birthday preparations. Errrr! Panic! I don’t know where to celebrate my birthday yet! What’s new! My friends know I always invite them at the very last minute. Last year, I even finalized my party the day before! Hehehe! Well, that’s why they are my real friends! Hahaha! They’re used to my surprise every year. Hahaha! Anyway, gotta go! 🙂
Lush Angel