Ooooh… It’s getting colder and colder everyday here in London and I hate it! The weather during my first week here was just perfect, but too bad it didn’t last that long. Geeesh! I feel it’s winter already! It shouldn’t be that cold since it’s just about 10 to 13 degrees Celsius outside. It’s the stroooong wind that makes me freeze!!! Argh! Anyways, Ed Hardy scarves would come in handy in times like this! 🙂

Okay, it’s not exactly the kind of scarf you’ll be wearing for winter. Hehehe! Well, it’s still useful for coverup when it’s just like “aircon” cold. You know what I mean? Hehehe! But most importantly, Ed Hardy scarves make a statement! 🙂 It adds color to a plain outfit. Just take a look at the models below. Aren’t they sooo gorgeous? 🙂 Plain tee and jeans with colorful Ed Hardy scarf draping around the neck = FAB! 🙂

ed hardy scarf

The good news- You can get Ed Hardy scarves on sale and it’s a BIG 50% off!!! Check out Beyond the Rack now! Just click on the photo above or the Beyond the Rack badge on the upper left sidebar to direct you to their website. Use invite code NANAC09EA84 to allow you to view the items on sale. 🙂

P.S. Tom Ford sunglasses are also on sale! 🙂