Cole Haan recently launched their biggest collection of LunarGrands. During the event, they also introduced their newest campaign, The Grand Life. Cole Haan Philippines collaborated with three of the most sought after photographers, Roy Macam, Jake Versoza and Tom Epperson, and two notable visual and graphic artists in the country, Robert Alejandro and AJ Dimarucot, to create some works based on the theme “The Grand Life” featuring selected pieces from the Cole Haan Spring 2014 LunarGrand collection.

The Grand Life is Cole Haan’s way of encouraging people to celebrate one’s life. The theme was inspired by photos posted by LunarGrand fans on social media wherein every aspect of their lives: from going to work to just having a relaxing sip of coffee, to the most eventful occasions like getting their dream job and even to their own wedding; their much loved pair of LunarGrand was there to celebrate with them.


The Cole Haan LunarGrand is a fusion of classic design and futuristic innovation. They’ve incorporated Nike’s innovative ultra-lightweight Lunarlon cushioning system, making a classic pair of dress shoes functional in modern urban environments.


Cole Haan LunarGrand is surely not your ordinary classic shoes. The sneaker outsole brings so much comfort that you can let it stay on your feet all day. Plus, check out their classic yet fun designs…






If only I have big feet, I’d wear these pairs! Seriously!




My favorites would be the metallics! Oh, how I wish they have sizes for women!



You can check out the latest collections of Cole Haan in Cole Haan Glorietta 4, Rockwell Powerplant Mall, Shangri-La and SM Mall of Asia. I’ve already visited their boutique and I’m dying to get their boots for travel!!! Oh no!!! 😀

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