Two weeks ago, I visited the Philippine School of Interior Design (PSID) exhibit at Eastwood. I actually went there to support my friends, Misty and Eileen, since they were part of it. It is like their thesis since all PSID students that are about to graduate should be able to display their talents through exhibits. When I got inside, I was so amazed on how the students were able to do such wonderful booths.While I walk around the building, Misty shared some facts about this project. The graduating students are asked to group themselves. Some prefer to do the project alone, while others in pairs, triads or quads. One group = One booth. The exhibit is divided into 4 parts- Blissful Burbs, Peaceful Peaks, Highrise Haven and Sea Sanctuaries. Each group was asked to draw lots to determine in which theme they will be assigned to. And guess how much each booth costs?! Each group shelled out at least Php 250,000 just to buy the appliances or decorations needed! Geesh! Just imagine how much they need to spend if they do not have sponsors. And by the way, the Php 250,000 is still on top of the rent they paid for the building and their tuition fee! Whew! That’s a lot of bags or probably a Hermes. 🙂
Take a look at some of the outstanding booths in there. Honestly, after seeing the Highrise Haven section, me and my mom actually thinks of having my pad in Eastwood renovated… and of course hire one of these students as our interior designer. 🙂 Each one of them is very impressive.
To my two blockmates, Misty and Eileen, a big round of applause to the both of you! Congratulations! Really a job well done!!!