For those of you who plan to go to Europe and get that classic Chanel flap bag of your dreams, you might wanna know how much moolah you need to set aside to buy one. Just like me, before I went on vacation, I looked for the latest prices of Chanel bags all over the internet; but due to several price increases that happened in the past year, I ended up not knowing the latest prices of the classic bags. Hehehe! I was confused which prices are updated and which are not. Oh, how we wish Chanel would finally include the prices of their bags in their website! Well anyway, I just thought that whatever the price may be, buying in Europe would still be cheaper than buying in Manila or in the U.S. Plus, remember that foreigners get tax refund! True enough, Chanel bags are cheaper in Europe but it’s not a big difference when it comes to flap bags just like what I have expected. Anyway, to share with you the latest prices, below are some of the classic Chanel flap bags in Euros. I have personally asked these prices in their boutique in Vienna, Austria last April 4, 2009. Prices may have changed without prior notice. The SA told me that prices in Chanel boutiques are the same across Europe. If there are variations, differences may not be too biggie. Prices indicated here are just to give you an idea how much your dream bag would now cost you. Oh, and these prices are tax inclusive. In Vienna, tax is around 13% so if you are a tourist, you can refund the tax in the airport before you leave.
Small Classic Flap Bag: € 1,630
Medium/ Large Classic Flap Bag: € 1,710
Jumbo Classic Flap Bag: € 1,870
Small Classic Flap Bag: € 1,790
Medium/ Large Classic Flap Bag: € 1,870
Jumbo Classic Flap Bag: € 2,030