Previously, I have posted the prices of the Chanel classic flap bags in Europe just to give you an idea on how much more you need to save to get the flap bag of your dreams. Well, if you have become a bagaholic, like me and Fashion Juice, then most probably you want to get hold of the other classic bags of Chanel. Hehehe! I was actually considering the Medallion or the Grand Shopping Tote for my second bag purchase in my recent trip, but when I finally decided to get the beige GST, it was gone. Argh! I still can’t get over it! Well, at least I was able to ask for their prices and be ready with my moolah when I get back (?) Hahaha! 🙂 Anyways, here is a list of some of the classic Chanel bags with their prices in Euro.
Again, I have personally asked these prices in their boutique in Vienna, Austria last April 4, 2009. Prices may have changed without prior notice. The SA said that prices are the same across Europe. If there are variations, differences may not be too big. Prices indicated here are just to give you an idea how much your dream Chanel classic bag would now cost you. Take note that these prices are tax inclusive. In Vienna, tax is around 13% so if you are a tourist, you can refund the tax in the airport before you leave. 🙂
Medallion (caviar): € 1,460
Grand Shopping Tote (caviar): € 1,420
Petite Shopping Tote (caviar): € 920
Paris Biarritz Small Shopper Tote: € 780
P.S. My PST that I bought in the U.S. is cheaper in Europe… way, way cheaper! Huhuhu! Actually, I think these classic bags have quite a big difference in price when compared in the U.S. or anywhere in Asia. Of course, this also depends on the exchange rate from your local currency to Euros, but I still conclude that Europe is really the way to go if you want a Chanel bag! Hahaha! 🙂 Really, it is still cheaper… which leads to my other conclusion, that is- I need to go back… next year (?)… wishing… 🙂
P.P.S. Oh, by the way, I’m not so fond of the Paris Biarritz shopper totes in canvas. I find it too plain. I just knew of the price because two of my “tourmates” (hehehe) bought this. Well, if you compare the price from the other classic bags, it is really cheap, which is probably why a lot of people also buy it. Hmmm… Actually, anything will sell if you put on that popular Chanel logo, right? Hahaha! If you ask me, though, I’ll pass on this Biarritz Shopper Tote in canvas.