No doubt, the reveal of Lanvin’s collection for H&M did not disappoint. πŸ™‚ I’m in love with them! πŸ™‚ But the prices? Well, that’s another story! Hehe! Surely, buying Lanvin pieces are way more expensive than getting from their collection in H&M. These are relatively cheaper, but it’s far from the affordability which H&M is known for. I have yet to justify getting a dress worth $199 – $249 or a pair of shoes for $99 from H&M. Don’t get me wrong. I heart H&M! In fact, whenever I go out of the country, I never fail to bring home H&M stuff. I love the clothes, the shoes, the accessories. In short, I love everything in H&M! πŸ˜€ I’m probably a budget fashionista right now or just sour graping since we don’t have H&M store here in Manila! LOL! πŸ˜€ Also, maybe because I know I can have a cocktail dress made by a great young and new Filipino designer here in Manila in about the same price. πŸ˜€ But hey, not all Lanvin’s pieces for H&M are that expensive!!! Check out the couture skirt I included in my previous post… It’s just $59.95! With its detail, its probably worth the price! πŸ˜€ I’m not sure with the kind of cloth though. It’s really better to see it in person. πŸ™‚ And the coat, I would definitely buy it for $199! πŸ˜€ Prices of coats are really about that range. Men’s shoes and trousers are also affordable since menswear are usually pricey! πŸ™‚

Anyway, enough of my blabber. Check out Lanvin’s full collection for H&M with their prices below… πŸ˜€






