Every single day, we make decisions, no matter how small it is- what will we eat, what will we drink, what will we watch, etc. We make decision in every action we do. And why am I talking about this? Because I just made one of the biggest decisions of my life. And I’m excited! ๐Ÿ˜€

After years of pondering, I’ve finally decided to do something with my love for make-up. It’s about time I move forward and do what I really love to do. For those who have been reading my blog for quite some time now, you guys probably have an idea what I’m talking about. I believe I mentioned about it a couple of times. Now, I’ve reached to a point wherein I have to do something with my passion- and that is to study professional make up. One of the many things I’ve been wanting to do is to become a professional make-up artist. I’ve been shying away to that idea because of the money I have to invest with all the make-ups and trainings/ courses I’ve been wanting to attend to further enhance my skills. I thought my love for make-up artistry would die down in time. Well, apparently not. As time goes by, my passion for it just keeps on growing. I just have to do something about it. And the day has come. Today is my first day in school at MAKE UP FOR EVER!!! This is it! ๐Ÿ˜€ Wish me luck everyone! ๐Ÿ˜€


Lush Angel