ZOMG! The first time I heard from Ed, my newspaper when it comes to the music world, about Lady Gaga’s Manila Concert, I got sooo excited! It was a rumor then, but now Lady Gaga is really going here in Manila for her concert! 🙂 ZOMG!!! Until now, I just can’t get enough of her songs, especially Poker Face since it reminds me of my Boracay vacation! It was like a national anthem all over Boracay last summer. All bars were playing Lady Gaga’s song! Weee! 🙂

lady gaga manila concert

Lady Gaga’s concert will be at Araneta Coliseum on August 11, 2009. Now, that is bad! Why? I’m taking the night flight back to Manila from Hong Kong on August 11! Argh! Why am I missing so much whenever I go to Hong Kong?! First is the Pussycat Dolls! Now, it’s Lady Gaga! What a bummer! 🙁 My only hope is for Lady Gaga’s visit to Manila to be postponed at some later date. Anyway, August 11 is a Tuesday- kinda early for the week to be going to a concert. Hehehe! I’m just bitter! As for the rest, you guys enjoy! 🙂