Beauty is a state of mind. Do you agree? As mentioned in my Day 1: Dove Summit #RealBeauty post, Dove is serious about reaching the 93% of Filipinas who still don’t consider themselves beautiful. Dove conducted a social experiment to prove that through the right state of mind, one can unlock a powerful feeling of beauty that lives inside all women.
The experiment was guided by psychologist and New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Ann Kearney-Cooke (Ph.D., Counseling Psychology) who has spent thirty years conducting scientific research around women’s body image and self-esteem.
During the experiment Dr. Kearney-Cooke invited the participants to wear a custom-made “beauty patch” for two weeks, which – would help them feel more beautiful. The women were then invited to keep a personal account of their life-changing experience throughout the two week period. All the women agreed that wearing the “beauty patch” helped to improve their self-esteem and to change their personal lives in ways that they had not imagined.
At the end of the experiment, however, it is revealed that the “beauty patch” contained nothing and that the power of believing in their own beauty influenced feeling beautiful.
Watch the entire video below.
Dove invites all women to create a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. Feeling beautiful actually comes from within and it is not about living up to an imposed standard. As I said in my Day 1: Dove Summit #RealBeauty post, “Each wrinkle, each freckle has a story to tell, making us unique, special and beautiful. This beauty must be celebrated and applauded, not hidden or altered.” Here I am posting a photo of myself without any makeup or whatsoever. This was taken by Ms. Joan Bitangcol during the surprise shoot at the Dove Summit
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