House of Wagyu is now officially a memorable restaurant for me. Why? It’s where Arthur and I had our last supper. LOL! 🙂 The eve before he left, I chose to try out House of Wagyu at Eastwood.

Okay, a little drama first… The moment Arthur and I got inside the restaurant, I was feeling both excited and sad. A part of me wanted to be satisfied with my craving for steak, but the other part of me wished that night just didn’t come. 🙁 Literally, the whole day of Saturday, my heart was just pounding so fast. I couldn’t relax because I know the next day I would see him leave.  So just imagine what I was feeling inside the restaurant… Really mixed emotions. 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁

Anyway, moving on… Hehehe! Probably the only time I started to relax and enjoy that day was when I had the first bite of the steak we ordered. Yes, it is that good! 🙂 Don’t get me wrong.  Arthur makes me happy, but a steak can make me happier. Just kidding! Hahaha! 🙂

We ordered their famous steak dinner, Wagyu Stone Grill Top Sirloin. There were two sizes available. One is good for 1 person and the other is good for 2. We obviously got the good for 2 Top Sirloin, which weighs 350g. It also comes with a basket of bread and their soup of the day, which was Cream of Carrots. All these for only Php 1,695.

house of wagyu appetizer

Let me first go to their bread and soup. I’m really not a fan of bread. In fact, I can rarely identify what kind of bread I eat. For me, they all taste the same. Hehehe! I base my taste of bread on its softness. I hate breads that are naturally hard. I also don’t like those messy kind of breads- those that when you bite, all crumbs fall on the table. Hehehe! I always go for breads that are hot and soft. The bread served to us wasn’t that soft. It’s kinda hard, but surprisingly I liked it. Well, I have to admit, I’m biased! As long as there is butter, I’m good. Hehehe! So good thing they served the bread with butter, or else, I wouldn’t even bother to eat the bread.

house of wagyu soup

As for the soup, I first got disappointed when the waiter told us that their soup of the day was Cream of Carrots. I never tried one though, simply because I don’t like mashed carrots. But when I tasted it, it is surprisingly delicious! In fact, the taste is very similar to pumpkin soup, which I love! 🙂

house of wagyu steak house of wagyu stone grill

A little after we finished our soup, our Stone Grill Top Sirloin arrived. It was served raw on top of a really hot stone (Duh! Obviously, ergo the name!). What I love about stone grill is you can actually cook the steak exactly the way you want it done. Well, I don’t know anything about cooking, but at least I know how I want my steak to be. I can’t take those bloody meat. Medium well is fine with me, and well done, of course. Hehehe! We all know what’s the problem with well done though. The meat becomes dry and hard to chew. But the Top Sirloin Stone Grill is an exception. I tried both medium well and well done and they are both perfect! 🙂 The juice of the steak is still there.

top sirloin house of wagyu stone grill top sirloin

So how was the taste? I would now have to take back what I said in my previous post that Antonio’s steak is the best. The stone grill of House of Wagyu now ties, if not tops, with Antonio’s when it comes to my steak craving. The top sirloin stone grill do not come with any steak sauce since it is very tasty in itself already! Extremely delicious! 🙂 What’s even better is the steak is placed on top of the stone grill, which keeps the meat warm, unlike in Antonio’s where it is served in a plate, which becomes cold in just a few minutes because of the cool breeze in Tagaytay.

house of wagyu eastwood

Now to finish off our nice meal, we had some of their house wine, Chez Samantha France, which I forgot how much! Argh! I think it’s about Php 100 plus per glass. Steak and wine will always be a perfect combination! 🙂

So for those who love steak, drop by at House of Wagyu in Eastwood City, Libis. Their stone grill is really a must-try!  🙂 You can also try their other steaks aside from Top Sirloin, such as Rib Eye. Mom said it’s also delicious. She has to bring me back there when I get back from my vacation…I mean my business trip. Hehehe! 🙂